Goals vs Wishes

There are several versions of this quote floating around and finding an original source ended being a lesson in futility but I like this version best. A goal without a plan is just a wish. If you want something but don’t have a plan to get it you are just wishing you had it, which is fine, but rarely gets you what you want. If you truly want to go after something come up with a plan. As you set your goals and plans use the S.M.A.R.T. acronym to help you along.

  •  Specific – Being too general with your goals makes them harder to achieve. Make sure you break giant goals up into more specific goals.
  • Measurable – If it’s not measured it’s not managed. Measuring is the only way to be sure you are making progress.
  • Achievable – Do you have the resources to do it? If not you need to rethink your goal.
  • Relevant – Does it apply to you and your life? Is it part of your overall ambitions and needs?
  • Timely – Can it be done in a reasonable time frame. Longer-term goals are harder to accomplish, consider breaking the timeline down into smaller time frame goals.

There you have it. Out with the easily breakable New Years Resolution and in with the S.M.A.R.T. goals for a better year.

A goal without a plan is just a wish

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