Networking Done Right: The One Rule

The Golden Rule of Networking: Don’t Keep Score. Great advice and the only way to approach networking events. If you worry about who owes you then you don’t get the point of networking. If you approach networking with a service attitude you will get more out of it. Relax, have fun, help out your fellow humans. It will increase your networking capital more than keeping score.

My Golden Rule of Networking is simple- Don't keep score. Harvey Mackay.png

Networking Done Right: Location, Location, Location.

One of the requirements of networking is to meet people. In fact, that is the definition of networking. But where do you find people to network with? Here are 10 suggestions for locations to find potential clients. Make sure you aren’t just showing up to pitch, that’s sales. Network, meet, listen.

Best places to Network

Networking done right: Introduction

The introduction during a networking meeting is crucial. You want to get your information out there but don’t want to overwhelm people. Use this handy guide for crafting your intro. Use each element when you sense they are interested, you don’t have to do it all at once. A lot of times they will ask for the information if they are interested and you didn’t provide it yet. Make the first part amazing and the second part will be asked about.

Networking Done Right- Introduction

Are you Networking?

The most interesting thing I find about networking is how people don’t know they need you until they meet you. “You do custom software, I always thought of making an app for my business”. “You clean the sidewalks outside of stores? Mine are getting grungy and I hate doing it myself”. These are conversations I have heard and watched deals close. Of course, the longer you network, the better known you are and the more trusted you become. It’s an investment and will pay off over time.

Another reason to put efforts into networking is getting advice. Every networking event I have been to I get asked questions about marketing or sales and I freely give out good information. Almost everyone I interact with at the meetings does the same. I see thousands of dollars worth of consulting being handed out because we know each other and we ask. It’s also how we get more business. I ask a financial adviser for information, it turns out to be great information, who do you think I am going to hire?

For maximum effect, you should spend about an hour a day networking for your business. Dr. Misner found that people who said “networking played a role” in their success spent an average of 6.3 hours a week participating in networking activities.Conversely, the people who claimed that “networking did NOT play a role” in their success spent 2 hours or less per week developing their network.

Networking Done Right

How to Craft an Elevator Pitch

Elevator pitch, you must have one. The first 10 seconds of your pitch are the most crucial since that is all you may get, so make sure you grab attention. The first 10 seconds should have your name, company and what you do. “I’m Jason Porter with My Business Adviser and I solve business problems.” Fast. Simple. Attention-grabbing.Handshake

Now that they know who you are and what you do, the second part of your elevator pitch is why they care. “I do that by teaching small business owners how to market and grow their business” This lets them decide if they are interested in you working with them.

The last part of your elevator pitch is to prove it. You have told them what you do so you need to back up those words with a short example “for example one of my clients, Heidy, saw her sales triple within two weeks of her coaching”

Now close it with a call to action, “I’m looking for other business owners that feel overwhelmed and need a boost in profitability and sales.” This is a soft Call to Action and you can take a more direct route if it suits you and you know the person you are talking to is your ideal client, for example, “I’d like to see if I can produce similar results for you, do you have 5 minutes so I can ask you a couple of questions?”. If you are going to take more time, be sure you are specific on how much of their time you will take. If the person you are talking to expresses interest then setting up a future meeting, that is fine as long as you set a specific appointment and not a vague “we’ll meet later”.

There it is, a step by step process for creating your elevator pitch. It is set up this way in case you don’t have time to do the whole thing, you get the most important part out first. Remember, practice, practice, practice. This works best when it flows.


Elevator Pitch (1)