Facebook Changes Algorithm…..Again!

It’s that time again to watch everyone panic as Facebook changes their algorithm again. Should you be worried? Not if you have been following me and putting the practices I teach into place. Good solid content marketing is going to benefit from these changes and shouldn’t see much if any drop in engagement. If you have been practicing spam tactics and click bait you are going to see the floor fall out from under you, but not all is lost. It is never too late to practice good marketing. Here is the lowdown on the new Facebook changes.

The new algorithm is based on the new set of Facebook Values. If your content matches those values it will be seen more. If it does not you will be hidden from most peoples view. Here are the values they are promoting

  • Family and Friends come first: The main objective of the News Feed is to connect people with their friends and family. So posts from friends and family are prioritized. After those posts, Facebook found that people want their feed to inform and entertain them.
  • A platform for all ideas: Facebook welcomes all ideas while making sure that everyone feels and is safe. They aim to deliver stories that each individual wants to see the most, based on their actions and feedback.
  • Authentic communications: Facebook prioritizes genuine stories over misleading, sensational, and spammy ones.
  • You control your experience: Individuals know themselves best. So Facebook creates features (such as unfollow and see first) to let people customize their Facebook experience.

Here is a handy guide to get you through the strangeness of the new feed. Feel free to share it and keep it close as you plan out your Facebook strategy.

Quick Guide to Facebook Algorithm

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