What Can a Business Coach do for You?

I hope you all have been enjoying the posts, infographics, and knowledge I have been passing on to you good folks. Today I’d like to talk about what a business coach can do for you. Small business owners wear many hats and are expected to know every aspect of business. Of course, it isn’t realistic and that’s where I come in. I help fill in the gaps so all those important things don’t fall through the cracks. Social media, marketing, sales processes, customer support, business plans, content management can all have an impact on a business’s success but is a ton for a small group or individual to manage. Some clients need advice, some need training, some just need me to get the job done for them. I am a force multiplier for small businesses helping them get more done than they could do by themselves. Of course my first consult is free (otherwise how do we know if I can help) and it isn’t meaningless fluff, you will walk away with usable information even if we aren’t a fit. Give me a call and get your business the help it deserves. (435) 554-8209 https://www.facebook.com/mybusinessadviser/

Coach Should You Have A Business Coach-

Buying Email Lists

I have been getting a lot of questions lately about buying email lists so I will give you the same advice I give everyone. DON’T! There is never a good reason to buy an email list. Never. If you are convinced it is the way to go then the email list marketers are doing their job but take it from me you will regret it. The list has likely been used to the point of uselessness, it isn’t targeted the way you need and you won’t get any sales off of it. In one example I witnessed a “Targeted and Clean” list had an 85% bounce rate. Not only did they not get sales, they were banned from their email provider. I could get less of a bounce rate just guessing emails and sending them. I understand the need to have a large email list to send your information to but it is always better to build the list yourself. The bounce rate is lower, the engagement is higher and the likelihood of producing a sale is infinitely higher. Here are 10 ways to start building your email list. If you need more, lets chat.

Ways to build your email list


Why Small Businesses Struggle

All the time I see small businesses pop into view with gusto then fade away with barely a peep. Why? Usually, it’s because they are driven by passion and not much else. Contrary to what people like to believe, passion is not enough. Here are 10 reasons I have seen that make small business a struggle. With proper planning and coaching none of these need to stop your passion.

Reasons Small Businesses Stuggle

How can I help your business today?

I was at a networking breakfast and someone asked me this question. “How can I help your business today?” It came as a shock with the directness and impact of such a question.

I already love networking and I  attempt to imply this question during my  conversations. I enjoy helping people’s businesses succeed so why just imply it? What an impact we can have helping our fellow business people if we straight out asked “How can I help your business today?”

We know that networking is good for business and according to GreatBusinessSchools.org, 84% of people prefer meeting in person and 95% believe that face-to-face Networkingmeetings are essential to long term business relations. What would happen to the depth and richness of our network if we picked one contact a day and asked how we can help? This may not be a new concept, but the possibilities have opened my eyes.

So, How can I help your business today?



Image courtesy of Phanlop88/FreeDigitalPhotos.net